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Why Mongolian You Ask?

In today's specialized dining market, and with the proliferation of "Themed Restaurants", consumers have more dining options than ever before. Retailers and property owners are also feeling the pressure to provide the public with creative dining options that draw traffic. On the surface, the options seem to be endless. But a closer look often reveals a curious pattern. Whether it be a Free Standing location, a Retail Restaurant Pad, or a Retail Mall Food Court, the options are often the same: Chinese fare, Mexican food, Burgers and Sandwiches, BBQ Style Grills, or Pizza and Italian food. That's it. You can slice it, dice it, and put a fancy bow on it, but it's basically all the same and often very predictable. Consumers want options, and they demand choice. By adding Mongolian BBQ to an existing Food Court or a Free Standing restaurant location, retailers will greatly enhance the diversity of an existing Food Court by creating another dining option for their customers.

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